Anna Hardin
Postdoctoral Researcher
PhD, 2018, University of Minnesota
office: M309 Medical Sciences Building
email: HardinMail
twitter: AnnaMHardin
interests: craniodental morphology, quantitative genetics, growth and development, primate evolution
PhD, 2018, University of Minnesota
office: M309 Medical Sciences Building
email: HardinMail
twitter: AnnaMHardin
interests: craniodental morphology, quantitative genetics, growth and development, primate evolution
Ryan Knigge
Postdoctoral Researcher
PhD, 2017, University of Minnesota
office: 4228 Missouri Orthopaedic Institute
email: KniggeMail
phone: 573-882-0119
interests: craniofacial growth and development; primate masticatory function and evolution; morphological integration; geometric morphometrics
PhD, 2017, University of Minnesota
office: 4228 Missouri Orthopaedic Institute
email: KniggeMail
phone: 573-882-0119
interests: craniofacial growth and development; primate masticatory function and evolution; morphological integration; geometric morphometrics